Leave a Legacy
By joining the Legacy Society, you have the opportunity to make a meaningful gift that extends far beyond today – creating a brighter, more secure future for elders in our care. Legacy giving is more than a donation; it’s a commitment to sustaining vital programs and services for generations to come. Together, we can ensure that the needs of our community continue to be met, year after year.
There are many ways to make a planned gift, and your planned gift should be as unique as you are. We can work with you and your financial, personal estate, and/or tax advisors to customize your legacy gift. Some ways others have made gifts in the past include:
Endowments may be established with a gift in your lifetime or through your will. After you create an endowment fund, you may continue to add gifts to that fund. Additional funds for your endowment may come as a bequest in your will. Your endowment fund may be named for you or someone whom you wish to honor. Endowments continue in perpetuity, remaining for generations to come, creating a meaningful legacy for individuals and their families.
A bequest is one of the easiest gifts to make. With the help of an advisor, you can include language in your will or trust specifying a gift be made to Jewish Home Foundation of North Jersey, Inc. (JHF), to benefit Jewish Home Family, as part of your estate plan.
Contact your financial institution and name the Jewish Home Foundation of North Jersey, Inc. as the beneficiary of your IRA.
Life Insurance
Designate the Jewish Home Foundation of North Jersey, Inc. as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy by contacting your provider and updating your beneficiary form.
Charitable Trusts
A charitable trust is a legal arrangement that allows you to donate assets to a charity while also receiving benefits. Charitable trusts may be used to support causes you care about, such as the Jewish Home Foundation, while also providing tax benefits.