Category Archives: CEO’s Blog

Our Collective Trauma

“You live through that little piece of time that is yours, but that piece of time is not only your own life, it is the summing up of all the…

A New Normal

Yesterday, I had an interview with a reporter from a national publication. She and I had spoken a couple of years ago, in the depths of the COVID pandemic, and…

For the New Year

We are quickly approaching Rosh Hashanah, the start of the New Year for those of us of the Jewish faith.  Following Rosh Hashanah, we observe the “ten days of awe”…

Our journeys

It is, I think, a fact of human nature that we believe our path is straight and smooth.  Of course, we know that it is anything but, that it is…

What Lies Beneath

Working in the world of elder care services, we know that dementia, of all types, is a reality in the lives of many older adults. More than 47 million people…

Stories to Tell

For the last month or so I have been getting emails from the college I graduated from as an undergraduate.  They wanted me to call a number and verify my…

In the Name of Love

Yesterday we had one of those moments we wish we didn’t have to have. We held a memorial service for a long time member of our staff. This quiet, unassuming…

Unity in Diversity

On each of our campuses this week we have seen an amazing creation take shape.  We had learned about the Unity Project that’s been done in other places and we…

Even Ducks Can Drown

An essay I read recently had a line that so struck me—“even ducks can drown.” I’d never really thought about that but, sure enough, when I looked it up I…

Building Awareness

June 15 is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. For those of us who are committed to the fight against elder abuse, it’s a day to wear our purple “elder abuse…

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