Category Archives: CEO’s Blog

Thinking Beyond

For those of us who work with older adults, and for those of us who have older adults we care for in our lives, the conversation about “what comes next”…

Restoring Normalcy

We are quickly approaching the four-year anniversary of the COVID shutdown of much of the world and the lockdown of older adults living in residential settings.  Those of us who…

Giving and Receiving

Doing some training today with our team, we worked through an exercise on the topic of reciprocity.  The assignment was to, in one column, list all the ways in which…

Beneath the Surface

Yesterday my husband presented me with a surprise gift—a bathroom scale! You may think that sounds like a strange gift but it really was not, it was a thoughtful present…

Like A Kid Again

It is such a difficult time for all of us who care passionately about Israel, who are filled with anxiety about what is taking place, who grieve for the lives…

When the student is ready

How often have we all used the phrase, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”  It does seem to be true in many cases. But I suspect that…


On my desk is a small jar of water with colored glitter gathered on the bottom of it.  It’s a great “fidget” focus, because you can shake it and watch…

Too Seriously

I have often been told that I take things “too seriously” and I suspect that is true.  I have always been the one peering behind the corners, questioning what could…

In the Kitchen

What happens when an older adult needs more help and care? Sometimes we bring help into the home, sometimes we move the elder in with family and sometimes the individual…


I have often been known to say that attitude is not everything, it is the only thing.  That is, in one single sentence, my approach to hiring and working with…

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